Daniel Punch

Daniel Punch is a former staff writer for RNAO.

by: Daniel Punch
RNAO has always been driven by the powerful voice of nurses. The expertise of more than 41,000 members working in all sectors of the health system has helped the association build political advocacy platforms and best practice guidelines (BPG) that are making a tremendous difference in the health of Ontarians and people around t...
by: Daniel Punch
NP Tara Leach met 24-year-old Amanda* two years ago when she came into The Ottawa Hospital emergency department complaining of anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Looking to uncover the source of Amanda’s distress, Leach screened her for sexual assault and domestic violence. As a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) and clinical l...
by: Daniel Punch
Why did you become a nurse? I became a nurse because I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. My mom was a community health nurse, and she would tell us all these stories about taking care of patients. She was a good storyteller. You have worked in nursing leadership roles for the past 26 years. What h...
by: Daniel Punch
1998 After decades of hard work and advocacy, Feb. 18, 1998 was a day to celebrate. Bill 127 was proclaimed during an event at RNAO home office, making Ontario the first Canadian jurisdiction to legally recognize the role of nurse practitioner. Delegates from various nursing and health organizations came out to witness lon...
by: Daniel Punch
On a gloomy February evening, the pink, yellow and blue walls of Toronto’s AccessPoint on Jane are lined with occupied chairs. Children of various ethnic backgrounds explore the small community health centre (CHC) waiting room and meet new friends. Three young men with Caribbean accents discuss the latest basketball news. And...
by: Daniel Punch
Jane Rajah could see her sister Anne slipping away.  A long and complex history of health problems had already robbed the 52-year-old of a successful career in the financial industry. Diabetes, weight problems, and struggles with mental health and addiction took their toll, and things only got worse after gastric bypass ...
by: Daniel Punch
In January 2018, veteran NP and long-time RNAO member Michelle Acorn became Ontario’s provincial chief nursing officer (PCNO). She arrived at Queen’s Park with three decades of nursing experience in various roles at Lakeridge Health in Whitby and Oshawa, and a commitment to life-long learning that includes a doctor of nursing pr...
by: Daniel Punch
In tears, Sue Faber pleaded with her doctor to give her one more chance. “Please,” she implored during a July 2015 appointment. “Is there anything else you can think of that might be wrong with me?”  For 14 years, Faber, a Burlington RN with expertise in both emergency and community case management, had struggled with...