Larry Sawyer

Larry Sawyer

Larry Sawyer is managing editor for RNJ. 

by: Larry Sawyer
Each year, Queen’s Park Day (QPD) brings nurses from across Ontario together in a powerful display of unity. It provides a unique platform for RNAO’s board of directors and assembly of leaders to voice key priorities, showcase their political action skills and engage in meaningful discussions w...
by: Larry Sawyer
On May 12, 2022, RNAO held a media conference to release Nursing Through Crisis: A Comparative Perspective. Florence Nightingale’s 202nd birth anniversary was chosen as the release date for this landmark report because Nursing Through Crisis announced crucial findings: the health of all Ontarians depends on creating a sustainabl...
by: Larry Sawyer
CAMH commits to three-year implementation of RNAO BPGs On Jan. 31 of this year, RNAO was proud to announce that the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) renewed its commitment to implement RNAO best practice guidelines (BPG) and rejoin its Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) program. This agreement re-aff...
by: Larry Sawyer, Marion Zych
Queen’s Park on the Road: Time to get involved RNAO members have been meeting with their local elected representatives as part of Queen’s Park on the Road (QPOR). Considered one of the association’s key member-driven political action events, QPOR gives RNs, NPs and nursing students the opportunity to discuss key nursing an...
by: Larry Sawyer
Fifteen newly designated Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) now include Chile’s MINSAL (National Ministry of Health in Chile) program. MINSAL’s public hospitals have seen positive results in patient outcomes due to the successful implementation and consistent use of RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG).  Dr. F...
by: Larry Sawyer
You may wonder how you would have time for membership given your many work responsibilities. The real question should be: How can you afford not to make time? What are the pros of joining your professional nursing association? Membership will refine your clinical practice with educational opportunities, boost your morale and pro...