On June 22, 2023, during the opening ceremonies of RNAO’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), 20 Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® (BPSO®) were honoured for achieving graduate status in the program. They now join hundreds of other graduate organizations to continue their important work to foster evidence-based cultures that improve the patient experience and health outcomes, lower the cost of care by preventing complications, and enrich staff satisfaction. Six Indigenous-focused health organizations, 10 long-term care homes, two hospitals, a BPSO Host Francophone and the first academic BPSO host were on hand to accept their graduation certificates and congratulations from RNAO.
Hosting the ceremony was RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun, founder and visionary of the BPG and BPSO program. Joining Grinspun to welcome the graduating organizations were President Dr. Claudette Holloway, IABPG Centre director Heather McConnell, IABPG associate director Susan McNeill, IABPG senior manager, Indigenous health, Grace Suva, and RNAO BPSO coaches Connie Wood, Sue Sweeney, Janice Britton, Julia Mason, Shaila Aranha and Jennifer Behun.
In this photo collection, we feature the ceremony hosts and BPSO leads (noted above and by last name below) and the BPSO team members who came to accept their certificates in recognition for their hard work and achieved success.
Indigenous-focused health organization graduates
Long-term care graduates
Hospital graduates
BPSO Host graduates
For more on the work of these and other local, national and international BPSOs, visit our BPSO webpage.
Stay tuned for our next issue of RNJ, which will be dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the BPSO program, featuring stories about how BPSOs are making a difference to patient outcomes and healthy work environments at home and around the world.