Cyndy Ocampo ACPF fellow
For 23 years, RNAO has inspired RNs and NPs to lead targeted projects that support organizational and personal growth on the road to better care. Cyndy Ocampo (above) took advantage of the association's Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship (ACPF) to learn more about what she could do as a nursing leader to support staff during the height of the COVID crisis.
RNAO fellows find solutions to fill gaps, advance care and improve outcomes

With more than 500 fellows, RNAO’s Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship (ACPF) program has reached new heights over the last two decades. Refreshed in 2022, the program now provides opportunities for RNs and NPs to develop their knowledge, skills and expertise in four different fellowship streams, each with an overarching goal to meet a need or fill a gap within a specific workplace or organization. With the support of their organization, a mentor and RNAO, hopeful fellows submit proposals for projects that: lead change in evidence-based nursing practice; promote equity in nursing and health; advance health and wellbeing; and/or support improvements in long-term care. If a proposal meets the criteria for acceptance within one or more of these four streams, the fellow’s organization will receive funding of $15,000 for a 450-hour fellowship (12 weeks full time or 20 weeks part time). With this funding, plus the organization's own funding, organizations can cover for a fellow’s absences, while they take time away from work to participate in the program.      

The three fellows featured here – who represent a small sample of the hundreds of engaged RNs and NPs – share their stories of launching ahead in their careers with fellowships focusing on: enhancements in telepractice; mental health supports for nursing students; and retention and recruitment following the pandemic. This glimpse of what fellows have accomplished, and the impact they’ve had on their workplaces, may just inspire you to explore your own fellowship.  



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