Diana Bolton
What nursing means to me
I remember my aunt once telling me: “Nursing isn’t just sitting at the bedside holding someone’s hand.” She said it mockingly, as if I didn’t have what it took to be a nurse. Perhaps there is some truth to her impressions of me, since I am not drawn to the adrenaline-producing emergency department, or the intensity of the operating room. But she was wrong about the supportive side of nursing. To me, nursing is about having the privilege to sit next to someone during some of the most challenging moments of their life. Although I don’t work at the bedside in the traditional sense, I have the rare opportunity to step into the lives of seasonal agricultural workers who support Niagara’s agricult...



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Spring 2022
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Jesslyn Froese

Jesslyn Froese

RN Jesslyn Froese is an outreach nurse at St. Catharines’ Quest Community Health Centre, an RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization.