July / August 2018

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Cover image July and August 2018 RN Journal
Current Issue
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Cover image July and August 2018 RN Journal
by: Kimberley Kearsey
Twenty-two years ago, RNAO – and by extension, Registered Nurse Journal (RNJ) – was experiencing a shift with the arrival of Doris Grinspun as its new executive director in April 1996. “We need to engage many more members in speaking out,” she said in an introductory Q&A published in the June/July issue of the magazine that ...
by: Staff
Explore the fascinating, informative history of how RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) came to be with Transforming Nursing Through Knowledge: Best Practices for Guideline Development, Implementation Science, and Evaluation.  Co-authored by RNAO CEO Doris Grinspun (left) and former IABPG director Irmajean Bajnok (righ...

A jury examining the circumstances surrounding the death of Grant Faulkner made sweeping recommendations June 20 that RNAO hopes will lead to better support and housing services for homeless people.


More than 2,500 people have responded to RNAO’s action alert calling on the government to keep in place the modernized health and physical education curriculum (sex-ed curriculum). It has been taught since 2015 and includes information on consent, sexual orientation, gender identity, the dangers of cyber-bullying, online predators and sexting.

by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

When a cabinet minister asks:  “Is the book out yet?” you know that book is important. That’s what happened when I congratulated Jim Wilson on his appointment as our new minister of economic development while at Queen’s Park for the July 12 Throne Speech.

by: Angela Cooper Brathwaite

In the last issue of the journal,  I hinted that I like to describe myself as a servant leader.

by: Victoria Alarcon
In the beginning, the notion of using  best practice guidelines (BPG) to bring evidence-based nursing to health-care settings across Ontario was nothing more than an idea (or seed) in the minds of RNAO CEO Doris Grinspun and former Best Practice Guideline (BPG) Program director Tazim Virani.  As the association’s BP...
by: Lesley Young
Oh sure, embarking on becoming a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) comes with the massive perk of RNAO support, resources and funding, but what does that really translate into for an organization implementing best practice guidelines (BPG)? During the BPSO Symposium at RNAO’s spring AGM, seven organizations from around...
by: Lesley Young
Every health sector faces unique nursing challenges, but there’s one strategy that supports best practices unconditionally and spans them all: RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) program.  While earning BPSO designation gives organizations a leg up within their sector– enabling them to be leading examples ...