July / August 2018

A jury examining the circumstances surrounding the death of Grant Faulkner made sweeping recommendations June 20 that RNAO hopes will lead to better support and housing services for homeless people.
More than 2,500 people have responded to RNAO’s action alert calling on the government to keep in place the modernized health and physical education curriculum (sex-ed curriculum). It has been taught since 2015 and includes information on consent, sexual orientation, gender identity, the dangers of cyber-bullying, online predators and sexting.
When a cabinet minister asks: “Is the book out yet?” you know that book is important. That’s what happened when I congratulated Jim Wilson on his appointment as our new minister of economic development while at Queen’s Park for the July 12 Throne Speech.
In the last issue of the journal, I hinted that I like to describe myself as a servant leader.