March/April 2018

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March/April 2018
Current Issue
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March/April 2018
by: Kimberley Kearsey
When the Registered Nurse published Volume 1, No. 1 in 1989, its cover feature was a Q&A with then health minister Elinor Caplan about the nursing shortage. When asked specifically about enhancing the role of nurses in health-care decision making, Caplan responded that she wants to "...make sure nurses have a stronger voice,...
by: Daniel Punch
Why did you become a nurse? I became a nurse because I wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. My mom was a community health nurse, and she would tell us all these stories about taking care of patients. She was a good storyteller. You have worked in nursing leadership roles for the past 26 years. What h...
by: Daniel Punch
1998 After decades of hard work and advocacy, Feb. 18, 1998 was a day to celebrate. Bill 127 was proclaimed during an event at RNAO home office, making Ontario the first Canadian jurisdiction to legally recognize the role of nurse practitioner. Delegates from various nursing and health organizations came out to witness lon...
by: Daniel Punch
On a gloomy February evening, the pink, yellow and blue walls of Toronto’s AccessPoint on Jane are lined with occupied chairs. Children of various ethnic backgrounds explore the small community health centre (CHC) waiting room and meet new friends. Three young men with Caribbean accents discuss the latest basketball news. And...
RN Profile
by: Victoria Alarcon

At 21, Brandi Milko was prepared to become a doctor. She had finished her bachelor’s degree in health sciences, was on the waiting list for the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), and was working on her master’s degree in biology at Carleton University. But she says she felt like her life wasn’t headed in the direction she wanted.

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In the End
by: Amy Van Berkum

The sun is setting as I circle a house looking for a back entrance to where I’m told a young man lives. Knocking and calling out loudly, I enter a crawl space that doesn’t allow me to stand up straight. “I’m down here,” echoes the tired voice of a 19-year-old Indigenous male lying on the floor.

by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

If you are not an RNAO member, you may not realize the difference between policy and politics.

by: Carol Timmings

It’s hard to believe this is my final column as your president. When I reflect back on the past two years, that old adage “...time flies when you’re having fun…” rings so true. It has been an exhilarating experience representing the association on your behalf. It has also been an immense privilege, personally and professionally.

by: Kimberley Kearsey

Each spring, winter-weary Ontarians watch in anticipation as lawns and parks slowly change from an unappealing brown to a promising green. The birds start to chirp a little louder, and we begin to see buds on trees as they come back to life.