September / October 2018

Cover Image
Finding guidance and inspiration at RNAO.
Current Issue
Cover Image
Finding guidance and inspiration at RNAO.
Illustration of nurse at bedside with cheering hands
In the End
by: Samantha Sinopoli

I was born at Toronto’s Mount Sinai hospital in August 1995 with a lot of what society would refer to as ‘problems.’ But I like to think of my imperfections as awesome differences. I was born with a cleft palate, pectus carinatum (which causes my chest to bow outward), clubbed thumbs, ear deformities, and overlapping toes.


In August and September, representatives from RNAO were invited* to visit BPSOs in Negros, an island in the Philippines, and China. 


In October, RNAO released Assessment and Interventions for Perinatal Depression. This second edition BPG expands on the original, focusing not only on persons who suffer depression after giving birth, but also those affected while pregnant.


 RNAO members did some door knocking this fall, visiting the offices of MPPs, many of whom took office for the first time following the June provincial election.


RNAO welcomed the government’s long-awaited decision to allow sites offering supervised injection and overdose prevention services to continue operating.


The public hearing phase of the Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry wrapped up at the end of September. And it ended with a submission from RNAO highlighting significant systemic issues it says need to be addressed if the ministry of health wants to ensure seniors in nursing homes receive safe, quality care.

RN Profile
by: Jonathan Sher

Just one of the many lessons Mireille “Mimi” Mitchell has taken to heart as an RN in the community and elsewhere.  

by: Kimberley Kearsey
In this issue of the Journal, you will read about three RNs – Natalia Kusendova, Kathryn McGarry and Ross Sutherland – who have made the leap from nursing to politics. Rewind back to the late 1990s and you will find this very same issue covered on the pages of the then RN Journal.  In 1...
by: Becca Côté
I‘ve learned that what you do for a living can be a great conversation-starter when meeting people for the first time. That is, if your line of work is basically anything different from mine. I have the best and worst job in the entire world. I am a paediatric haematology/oncology RN. When I tell people what I do, I can guarante...
by: Jonathan Sher
Registered Nurse Journal: Tell me about your first-year practicum as a nursing student last year. What did that involve? Danielle Kane (DK): I worked in geriatric rehab at Lakeridge (Health) Whitby. Most (clients/patients) had falls of some kind and had broken hips. I had to do things like bathe them, help them with their lun...