RNAO CEO Doris Grinspun (right) inducted as an honourary academy fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
CEO inducted into American Academy of Nursing

In November, RNAO CEO Doris Grinspun (right) was inducted as an honourary academy fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. Her induction was based on how her nursing career has influenced nursing practice, health policies and health care overall. Grinspun attended the formal induction ceremony in Washington, D.C. and is pictured with Academy President Karen Cox. “It was a humbling experience being recognized as one of 2,500 nurse leaders worldwide,” Grinspun says. “At the time of the induction, I had in my mind and heart those who have influenced my life, especially my family, my RNAO family, and friends. Without them, this high recognition would have no meaning.”