Ending hallway health care 

As hallway health care continues in hospitals across Ontario, the provincial government is getting ready to implement changes to the system that it says will alleviate some of the pressure. In an interview with the Toronto Star, Health Minister Christine Elliott said she is focusing on the creation of a patient-centred system, and did not deny this may include reducing the province’s 14 LHINs to five. RNAO CEO Doris Grinspun says she is confident the government is planning to follow through with structural change that RNAO recommended in its 2014 ECCO (Enhancing Community Care for Ontarians) report. People “deserve the very best health system. They own it and they pay for it through their taxes,” says Grinspun. “RNAO looks forward to working with the Ontario government to make reforms that speed access, improve care, make our system more seamless and efficient, and strengthen Medicare.” 
(QP Briefing, Jan. 17)