NAN Hope program addresses Indigenous mental health during COVID-19

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Hope program began in August 2020 to help provide culturally-appropriate mental health support to all NAN citizens. The number of active clients in the program is 317 (as of March 3), and continues to increase each week. Nurse practitioner and NAN COVID-19 Task Team Chair Mae Katt says the pandemic has affected the community in a variety of ways. “The NAN COVID-19 task team works with the nation leadership to protect the communities from the impacts of COVID-19. We do know the impacts are affecting many parts of the community.” According to a Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) survey conducted in December 2020, 54 per cent of Indigenous people have experienced deteriorating mental health during the second wave of COVID-19. This is up from 41 per cent during the first wave. (Toronto Star, Jan. 21)