Federal minister of health Mark Holland introduced Bill C-64, An Act respecting pharmacare, in the House of Commons on Feb. 29, 2024. This initial stage of national pharmacare – which RNAO has long advocated – will include coverage for contraception and diabetes medications, once provinces sign on to the plan. This will ensure Canadians are able to get the medications they need without the worry of how to pay. In a media release, RNAO President Dr. Claudette Holloway said “this legislation is significant because it brings us one step closer to RNAO’s long-standing push for a universal program. When fully realized, it will advance equity and fairness in our health system.” RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun said that nurses support pharmacare, but the program must expand. “It goes without saying that nurses stand fully behind (the plan). We also stand fully behind...a single payer system. Our end goal...is that it be comprehensive," Grinspun said, adding that she wants Ontario to be the first province to sign an agreement with the federal government. (Benefits and Pensions Monitor, March 7)