New mobile app  for youth mental health patients 

St. Joseph’s Health Care London has launched a pilot project to connect local youth with mental health-care professionals. The TELEPROM-Y mobile app allows patients and their health-care team to talk via secure video link, message back-and-forth, and schedule in-person appointments. Providers can also send questionnaires and advice to patients electronically. “Mental health services are all about relationships,” says  Cheryl Forchuk, project lead and research chair for Lawson Health Research Institute, part of London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London. “In our previous work with youth, they talked about how they really wanted to see the technology they use (daily) integrated into the care they’re receiving. This is really what our goal has been,” Forchuk says. The program includes 120 people who are 16 to 25 years old and living with symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. The two-year project will evaluate how well the mobile app is received, and whether it reduces the number of youth mental health hospitalizations and outpatient visits. (The London Free Press, Feb. 7)