RN Brigitte Loeppky works to bring educational opportunities to the north.
New RN programs coming to the north

In hopes of recruiting more RNs to northwestern Ontario, the Seven Generations Education Institute in Thunder Bay is introducing two new nursing programs. Coming in the fall of 2019, the All Nation Nurses Entry Program will provide students with the skills and knowledge to proceed to the next level of their education as a health professional. 
In the fall of 2020, students can apply for the new Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, which will be offered collaboratively by Seven Generations Education Institute and Lakehead University. “We certainly need practical nurses, but we need registered nurses in this area as well to serve our people,” says RN Brigitte Loeppky, post-secondary co-ordinator for Seven Generations. Bringing educational opportunities to the region is important, Loeppky says, since some students will not pursue further education if it is not offered in the community. “We believe in equitable education for all, so why not bring the education to them?” (The County Weekly News, Nov. 9)