Mackenzie Health in Richmond Hill offers simulation training for its staff through Sim2You, a mobile simulation unit that allows teams to learn in non-traditional ways. “Using the Sim2You roving cart, we’re not only ensuring that training is more accessible to our staff, we’re also enhancing how they can adapt some of the real-life situations they may encounter in their day-to-day work caring for patients,” said simulation program lead and RN Christina Scerbo. The mobile unit, which was introduced a little over a year ago, takes its cues from staff. In a recent exercise, a mannequin’s arm was sprinkled with powder before a nurse disinfected it to insert a central line. A blue light was then directed at the arm to identify spots that may have been missed and where there’s a risk of infection. These simulations allow staff to learn how to adapt to situations and how to work as a team. “Our simulation labs immerse health-care professionals in dynamic scenarios, fostering swift and coordinated actions,” said RN Deborah Lefave, one of the program’s educators. (Hospital News, March 27)