NP Johanna Leonhardt is MRP in complex continuing care at Trenton Memorial Hospital
Trenton NP first to receive most-responsible-provider designation

Johanna Leonhardt is the first NP at Quinte Health Care (QHC) to fill the role of 'most-responsible-provider' (MRP), a designation that means she is able to practise to her full scope (read more about RNAO’s NP Task Force report on scope of practice in this issue). In fact, she’s one of only a few NPs across the province that has the title. Leonhardt works in the regional complex continuing care unit at Trenton Memorial Hospital. “It’s pretty exciting,” she says of the new designation. “I have been really well-received here, not only by the patients themselves, but by all of the staff, including the physicians. I’m very thankful that I have a lot of support around me.” QHC’s chief nursing officer and vice-president Carol Smith Romeril says she is delighted by the change: “This has been a goal for almost my entire career.” Leonhardt is happy to be able to provide more for her patients. Allowing NPs “…to work to their full scope can only be beneficial for the health-care system,” she says. “It gives me not only that responsibility, but there’s an expectation there that I step up to the plate and provide top-quality care for these patients.” (Belleville Intelligencer, Dec. 14)