Kimberley Kearsey

Chasing change

This issue of the journal marks a significant milestone in the history of RNAO. It is the last print edition of a member resource that dates back more than 90 years. 

I’ve had my hands in the publication of this magazine for a fraction of that time, but I have to admit, after 18 years, it’s hard to imagine creating content that will not ultimately find its way into the file boxes of back issues that line my desk. RNJ digital ( launched formally in April, and the work behind the scenes began more than a year before that. At times, it’s felt like an enormous learning curve for me as a print journalist. I acknowledge and appreciate everything the digital world has to offer, and I’m excited to expand on our offerings to members, but I’d be lying if I did not admit I already feel nostalgic for that tangible pile of paper that represents the work of so many great writers, designers and print experts.  

Members have expressed excitement that RNJ will be searchable and portable in a way it never has been before. I share that excitement. I also share the sense of responsibility to be more environmentally conscious, and better positioned to provide information faster and more frequently than ever before. It’s what people expect, and it’s the changing nature of publications. We know we need to keep pace if we want engaged and informed members. 

In this issue, we bring you our coverage of two signature RNAO events: the AGM and Nursing Week. Each spring, we cram the pages of RNJ with photos and highlights from across the province. The move online means this snapshot of member activities and events will make its way to you a lot faster, and with one big difference in the coverage. There are only so many photos you can fit on a printed page. With digital, we can include so many more photos. 

Everything you see in this final edition, including columns, features, the RN profile, and news, will be reflected in the digital edition. We may not be landing in your mailbox anymore, but we will continue to bring you great content online. 
Thank you for the loyalty you have shown to RNJ. As we finalize our shift to digital, I welcome your insight on the change ( 

I look forward to your feedback as we build a new and improved member resource online.

May/June 2019