Kimberley Kearsey

Exciting new chapter for RNJ

Last fall, RNAO’s communications and IT staff gave a presentation to assembly members and the board of directors about the planning and initial design for RNJ digital ( In that presentation, I talked about being a part of RNJ for more than 18 years now, and how I often think about the Journal as my second child. Both my son at home and his imaginary sibling are equally temperamental and challenging at times, but the pride I feel with both in my hands is unmatched. 

At the April AGM, the RNAO team, on stage with CEO Doris Grinspun, officially launched RNJ digital. In that presentation, I shared with members how privileged I feel to have been a part of this publication’s growth and evolution over the years. RNJ has received local and national recognition for its coverage of important health and nursing issues. And that attention to compelling story-telling, and insightful front-line nursing stories that have won us awards, will not change. 

The decision to cease production of our hard copy (the last print edition will be May/June 2019) was not taken lightly. And like any decision made at RNAO, members were a big part of it. Many of you were excited at the AGM to try out the new platform and share your support for the move online. We thank you for your positive feedback, and your excitement to see the same great content in a new electronic environment. 

In this issue, we bring you the incredible tale of eight Canadian nurses forced to return from their mission in Haiti as a result of political turmoil in that country. We also have a collection of stories about how RNs and NPs are making a real difference for residents in long-term care homes.

As we move online, we will continue to share these kinds of personal stories of members in all sectors of the health system. And thanks to the marvels of technology, we will also bring you more interactive features (photo galleries and videos) for events such as Queen’s Park Day. 

This exciting transition will continue to unfold in the months ahead, and as it does, we will stay true to our commitment to look to members to inform our decisions and help us build an even better RNJ. 

Write to us at or visit to complete our “feedback” survey in the footer of each page. 

March/April 2019