Angela Cooper Brathwaite

Leadership to govern

Our world is always changing. According to a character in the 1980 novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior, the secret of change is to focus all your energy on building the new, not on fighting the old. 

RNAO has seen tremendous change over the past five years to enhance its functioning, improve efficiencies, and deliver unparalleled programs to members. Board of directors (BOD)-driven changes include electronic voting through One member, one vote, as well as structural changes to the size and representation on the BOD. 

In 2019, members will vote on another important change in governance: the qualification for the president-elect position for RNAO’s BOD. This change, if passed, will come into effect for elections after April 2019. 

The rationale is straight-forward. 

Being RNAO president is an important and fascinating role. 

For decades, RNAO’s qualification for the president-elect position has been the same as for any other BOD position. RNAO is a large and sophisticated association that is admired at home, across the country, and abroad. We must ensure its top governance leadership has advanced competencies. To this end, members will vote on amendments to RNAO bylaws specific to the president-elect qualification that stipulates the president-elect shall*:  

  • have been a director for a minimum of two (2) years within the ten (10) year period immediately preceding his or her nomination as president-elect; 
  • meet the requirements for directors in the Act;
  • be a member in good standing of the College of Nurses of Ontario
  • have a minimum of five (5) years experience as a registered nurse and/or nurse practitioner;
  • have maintained a membership in the association for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years preceding his or her nomination;
  • have demonstrated support for the mission and values of the association;
  • possess an understanding of fiduciary stewardship of the association and experience in fiscal oversight, including reviewing financial statements and audits;
  • demonstrate an active interest in the work of the association and all its domains, including policy/advocacy, communications, membership and International Affairs and Best Practice Guidelines; 
  • have been nominated by at least three (3) members of the association in good standing in the form required by the board and received approval from the provincial nominations committee to stand for election; and
  • agree to act as a director before or within ten (10) days after his or her election or appointment or such other period allowed by the Act.

Having a president-elect who meets these qualifications will ensure she/he has the competencies, knowledge and skills to meet the expectations of the role. It is important that this person be ready for a smooth transition from president-elect to president. Although the president-elect has a year on the BOD before taking the helm, and learns from the president who serves as a mentor both during and after their presidency, no one can adequately prepare the president-elect to assume all the responsibilities of the role. Having theoretical and experiential knowledge, skills and abilities through a variety of means will facilitate this transition. 

The president leads the BOD, and works in unison with the CEO, who leads all operations. The president must ensure the BOD upholds its fiduciary responsibilities while also being flexible to meet the needs of members. Being informed on current and controversial health and nursing issues is vital. The president engages with the media, and will represent RNAO at numerous levels. 

Being RNAO president is an important and fascinating role. 

You may wonder who would apply for this position since the bar is set so high. But achieving the criteria is doable. First, become actively involved in RNAO. Engage in political advocacy by reading policy backgrounders and responding to action alerts. Attend Queen’s Park on the Road and Take Your MPP to Work events during Nursing Week. Join your local chapter, region without chapters, or interest group. Run for a BOD position. The opportunities are limitless and the work is rewarding. 

RNAO has 42,056 members and continues to grow daily. Today, I am challenging you to become an active RNAO member. You can be anything you want to be. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. I wish you great success in achieving your goals, aspirations and dreams. 

January/February 2019