Kimberley Kearsey

Making the most of your RNJ

RNJ's shift to digital is still very much in progress as readers continue to familiarize themselves with our new platform and explore the best ways to navigate it. We all know this kind of change takes time. From planning, to building, testing, launch, and of course user feedback that informs revisions and tweaks for an online experience members enjoy.

As we start a new year with new content, we hope you are more comfortable browsing the site, and more apt to access it on the go. If you're reading this on transit, you're likely not the only one with a device in hand, particularly if there are young people around you. Youth today don't know a time when they didn't have access to everything they need at their fingertips.

There's no shortage of things to entice youth online, and some of those things can be dangerous. In this issue of RNJ, we explore another dangerous enticement for youth: vaping.

Public health nurses are heading to elementary and high schools across the province to raise awareness of the dangers of flavoured e-cigarettes, and are hoping they're getting through to youth in the places they know and understand, like the school gymnasium. There's nothing better than meeting youth on their own turf to really connect and understand what their everyday lives look like.

Once again this year, RNAO's president and CEO did exactly the same thing for their annual Fall Tour. You can read about their visits with local chapters and regions, and their stops in the workplaces of some of RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organizations, in our CEO and president columns. And be sure to take a look at the photos HERE.

Also in this issue, CEO Doris Grinspun touches on the activities of RNAO during the outbreak of COVID-19 that dominated the headlines throughout January and February. Watch for an in-depth feature in our March-April issue comparing the COVID-19 outbreak with the outbreak of SARS in 2003.

And please continue to give us your feedback so we can continue to enhance your RNJ experience.

Spring 2020
Publish date