Kimberley Kearsey

Readers help set editorial agenda

For two years, RNAO has been surveying readers of RNJ to get a sense of how people read their professional publication, what they like and dislike about it, and where we can make improvements. More than 500 members have taken the time to respond, and 65 have received gift cards for being among the first to participate following digital release of each issue.
This survey will continue through 2018 because we value and appreciate your feedback. If you haven’t already done so, please visit to tell us what you think. Or watch for the email notifying you of the digital release and follow the link for a chance to win. Your criticisms, compliments, comments, and story suggestions help us shape content that, we hope, is compelling and relevant to the profession and the health system.
Given the incredible appetite for RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG), it is only fitting that we are introducing a new feature in the Journal this year. It focuses on the important work of our IABPG department (page 21). Evidence is at the heart of every BPG, and the same can be said about many other activities of RNAO. The advocacy around RN replacement is a good example of that (page 12). We have 70 years of evidence on the effectiveness of RNs, and we know what is best for patients is the right care in the right place by the right health professional.
We bring you examples of this in every issue, and in this one (page 18) you will meet two Ontario NPs who are providing specialized care for victims of human trafficking. Thanks to their years of experience and specialized skills, they know what vulnerable patients need, and are perfectly positioned to give it to them.
But who knows what patients need more than patients themselves, and their families? Also in this issue, we introduce you to members of our Patient and Public Engagement (PPE) council, all of whom contribute to the work of RNAO by bringing the patient lens to discussions and debates about nursing and health care.

January/February 2018