Betty Wu-Lawrence
Profiled Nurse
Betty Wu-Lawrence
Three things you didn't know about
She has been a life-long union activist.
She enjoys Chinese opera.
She taught her two granddaughters to sing in Mandarin.
For three decades as a public health RN, Betty Wu-Lawrence has given back to the community through knowledge and understanding.
The importance and rewards of service to others was ingrained in Betty Wu-Lawrence by her mother and the nuns who taught her in her Hong Kong boarding school. She chose to become a nurse for this reason, and finished her nursing degree in Hong Kong before immigrating to Canada in 1974. She left Hong Kong because of political instability at the time, and due to a lack of job opportunities for new nursing graduates.
Once here, Wu-Lawrence had to return to nursing school, but she didn’t see that as a setback. It was an opportunity to learn even mor...
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Summer 2020