Robin Morash
Profiled Nurse
Robin Morash
Three things you didn't know about
She travelled to Nicaragua with her sons in 2011 to help build a school.
She's learning to kite surf.
A love of chocolate brings her and friends together each Christmas to make more than 1,000 truffles to enjoy with family.
PHOTO: Jacob Ferguson, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation
Retired advanced practice RN Robin Morash gives up retirement to help during a global pandemic.
Robin Morash has been honing her skills as a nurse manager since 1989. You could say her 30+ years of experience motivating and leading others is what pulled her back to the frontlines in March 2020, almost two years after retiring. An advanced practice nurse in uro-oncology when she decided to embark on a new life chapter in June 2018, Morash didn’t hesitate to call her former employer – The Ottawa Hospital – when she heard it was looking for help amidst an emerging global pandemic. She “was hired within three hours, and was back to wor...
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Fall 2020
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