Homayra Ahmed
Profiled Nurse
Homayra Ahmed
Three things you didn't know about
She is helping raise funds for a school in Bangladesh for women and children.
During her teenage years, she was an air cadet.
She loves binge-watching Anime (Japanese animation).
Perseverance and hard work help nursing student Homayra Ahmed overcome homelessness.
For Homayra Ahmed, the odds seemed stacked against her. In the midst of her nursing degree, the pandemic hit. And at just 19, she and her family found themselves homeless. Ahmed worked three jobs to support her sisters and mother, while also juggling extracurriculars and her education. Despite it all, she knew nursing was her calling.
Ahmed was 17 when she witnessed the impact nurses can have on patients. Her Grade 12 co-op program allowed her the opportunity to shadow nurses at McMaster Children’s Hospital and Hamilton General Hospital. She saw how they interacted with patients, answered the...
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Winter 2022
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