Judie Surridge
Profiled Nurse
Judie Surridge
Three things you didn't know about
She is a huge Star Trek fan.
Her hobby is to build and collect furniture miniatures.
She loves mystery novels by J.D. Robb.
Retired primary care RN Judie Surridge, 69, still remembers many of the patients and families she assisted during her nursing career. She recounts her experience helping a refugee in 2001 through her first pregnancy, providing the information she needed to navigate the immigration process. She recalls being a shoulder of support for a woman with Alzheimer’s, and helping the woman’s daughter provide care.
“You have to really be interested in looking at the patient’s whole life, not just a particular problem they have,” Surridge says. The role of the primary care nurse is to be there from “birth to death,” she suggests, and that was one of the reasons she wanted to be a nurse in the fir...
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May/June 2019