On June 11, the province lifted mask mandates for hospitals and public transit. Although masks are still required in long-term care and retirement homes, RNAO shared its view with the media that Ontarians need to continue to think “we” as opposed to “me” when it comes to masking up.
Bill 124
The Omicron variant, paired with a shortage of nurses due to burnout and Bill 124 (legislation which caps wage increases for nurses at one per cent – well below inflation), has created a dire situation in Ontario hospitals.

In the End
by: Enxhi Kondi
Before COVID-19, most people had a severely limited and incorrect perspective of the role nurses play in our health-care system. I too was misinformed before I entered nursing school five years ago. At that time, my view of nursing was shaped by the media and widespread belief that nurses were simply doctors’ assistants.