by: Victoria Alarcon
Since she was six-years old, Wendy McNeil always knew she wanted to be a nurse to care and advocate for patients and ensure they receive the best care possible. However, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, she says working as a nurse has become impossible. “It just felt like there...

RNAO says that Premier Doug Ford should have addressed the challenges in the health system, including nursing shortages, in January 2022 by instituting added public health measures.

by: Kimberley Kearsey
With promising news early in 2021 that Ontario universities saw a 17.5 per cent increase in applicants to nursing programs, it is easy to envision a future generation of RNs and NPs eager to provide expertise on the frontlines. These motivated individuals are absolutely needed, but they won’t get through the rigours of nurs...
by: Madison Scaini
Nurses have been called heroes throughout COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean they have superpowers to mitigate the harsh realities of stress and burnout that come with working on the frontlines of a pandemic. The impact of that strain reverberated through the profession earlier this year, when nurses across the province grieved the...
Illustration by Diana Bolton
In the End
by: Enxhi Kondi

Before COVID-19, most people had a severely limited and incorrect perspective of the role nurses play in our health-care system. I too was misinformed before I entered nursing school five years ago. At that time, my view of nursing was shaped by the media and widespread belief that nurses were simply doctors’ assistants.


Ontario hospitals in Hamilton, Niagara, Brant, Haldimand and Norfolk counties are providing staff with pay if they need to self-isolate due to potential contact with a COVID-19 patient. This is a move that RNAO actively pushed for.


Staff are beginning to feel exhaustion as they continue to fight COVID-19 at Windsor Regional Hospital. Many COVID-19 patients in the ICU are on ventilators. The medical director of the ICU says that despite their best efforts, 40 per cent of these patients who need a ventilator in Windsor-Essex die.


St. Joseph’s Health System in Hamilton fired its CEO Dr. Tom Stewart after it was made public he had vacationed in the Dominican Republic despite government advisories to stay at home late last year. Stewart apologized for taking the trip.


RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun’s letter about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout appeared in the Toronto Sun (Feb. 12).

by: Victoria Alarcon
In downtown Toronto, street nurse Roxie Danielson is meeting with new clients at a shelter. Sitting at a small table and equipped with a surgical mask and face shield, Danielson is separated from them by plexiglass. She is conducting her assessment and goes through some standard questions. Do you have a primary care provide...