Environmental issues

by: Rob Samulack
I grew up participating in Boy Scouts, camping as often as I could. I always felt a connection with nature and a need to protect it. My fears about climate change grew after experiencing the wildfire smoke in Ottawa in the summer of 2021. Not only was climate change real; it was happening. I wondered how bad it would be in the f...

In September, RNAO sent a letter to the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP), which represents nurses and other workers in the hospital and community   sectors, urging that it immediately stop any new investments in fossil fuels

by: Kimberley Kearsey
Call it good timing or a sign, but either way, it was a simple email to Rob Samulack from a faith-based environmental conservation group that changed everything. With it came the opportunity to visit Glasgow, Scotland for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (known as COP26). This once-in-a-lifetime chance to join t...