nurses in politics, RN, politics,

by: Victoria Alarcon
Nurses are continuing to speak out about the staffing crisis and the ways it is causing increased workloads, stress and burnout. As part of RNAO’s annual Fall Tour, members from 11 different communities across the province met virtually and in person with RNAO’s president, immediate past-president and CEO between Sept. 12 - 23, ...

The June 2022 provincial election saw nine RNs (two incumbents) seeking election in various ridings across Ontario. This rise in political ambitions is long overdue, according to RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun. “We need to be in the legislature and in politics in general.

by: Lesley Young
Months before Ontario voted for a change of political leadership earlier this year, the opportunity opened up to run for political office in RN Natalia Kusendova’s home riding of Mississauga Centre. “This is where I’ve grown up. I’ve been here 16 years, and I have strong connections to the Polish community,” she says about her d...