nursing crisis

by: Dr. Claudette Holloway

One of the things that makes me so proud to be a member of RNAO is the influence and impact we have when it comes to getting time with our elected representatives. Think about it for a moment. What other organization has the political clout that we have raising nursing and health issues?

by: Victoria Alarcon
Nurses are continuing to speak out about the staffing crisis and the ways it is causing increased workloads, stress and burnout. As part of RNAO’s annual Fall Tour, members from 11 different communities across the province met virtually and in person with RNAO’s president, immediate past-president and CEO between Sept. 12 - 23, ...
by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

When I joined RNAO as executive director in April 1996, our association was not engaged in advocacy about the impact environmental and social determinants of health have on people’s lives and health outcomes. Although we had some amazing role models in nursing, RNAO as a whole was sitting on the sidelines.