The June 2022 provincial election saw nine RNs (two incumbents) seeking election in various ridings across Ontario. This rise in political ambitions is long overdue, according to RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun. “We need to be in the legislature and in politics in general.
Spring 2022

On June 11, the province lifted mask mandates for hospitals and public transit. Although masks are still required in long-term care and retirement homes, RNAO shared its view with the media that Ontarians need to continue to think “we” as opposed to “me” when it comes to masking up.
Barrie RN Marsha Roett wanted to help expecting mothers, so she started the program Nurse on Fire, which provides a safe space for pregnant women and their families to ask questions and seek pre-natal and post-partum advice.
London RN psychotherapist Tara Tourloukis says that some of her patients have been denied insurance coverage for her services. After spending almost two decades working in the public health system, Tourloukis decided to open a private psychotherapy practice in the fall of 2021.
RN Brandon Duncan (above, second from left) was one of many volunteers to travel to Poland this spring to join the Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (CMAT) in providing aid for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.
A new nurse practitioner-led clinic has opened in Peterborough at the Brock Mission homeless shelter. The clinic is staffed by volunteers and offers primary care to anyone experiencing homelessness. It was founded by NP Lee-Anne Quinn and Dr. Janet Kelly.
To highlight the current state of nursing in Ontario and the unrelenting resilience of nurses, RNAO marked Nursing Week 2022 (May 9 – 15) with the theme “Nursing Through Crisis.” Throughout the week chapters, regions without chapters, interest groups and the home office, hosted a variety of engaging virtual events to showcase a
When I joined RNAO as executive director in April 1996, our association was not engaged in advocacy about the impact environmental and social determinants of health have on people’s lives and health outcomes. Although we had some amazing role models in nursing, RNAO as a whole was sitting on the sidelines.
It’s hard to believe that this is my last President’s View column. While we have all experienced the concept of time differently during the pandemic, the past two years have flown by for me.