Summer/Fall 2022
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Current Issue
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by: Larry Sawyer, Marion Zych
Queen’s Park on the Road: Time to get involved
RNAO members have been meeting with their local elected representatives as part of Queen’s Park on the Road (QPOR).
Considered one of the association’s key member-driven political action events, QPOR gives RNs, NPs and nursing students the opportunity to discuss key nursing an...
by: Rita Wilson
Imagine being able to quickly complete a comprehensive assessment of a new long-term care resident with user-friendly technology that supports evidence-based practice. And imagine having access to system-generated progress notes that eliminate double documentation and the need to search for resident information in different plac...
by: Larry Sawyer
Fifteen newly designated Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) now include Chile’s MINSAL (National Ministry of Health in Chile) program. MINSAL’s public hospitals have seen positive results in patient outcomes due to the successful implementation and consistent use of RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG).
Dr. F...
by: Dr. Claudette Holloway
This column marks my first official message to you as president. I am extremely proud and feel blessed to represent you. RNAO is an important organization, and my personal pledge to you is to bring my leadership, my energy and my commitment to continue advancing our important work.
by: Dr. Doris Grinspun
Since RNAO’s last Annual General Meeting in June, we have received emails from a handful of members expressing concern that Premier Doug Ford had been invited. Although few among the many emails RNAO gets every year complimenting our work and efforts, they flagged an apparent need for clarity.
‘I wanted to be on the right side of history’: RNAO members provide compassionate care in a war zone
by: Madison Scaini
When 25-year-old RN Michaela Parenteau paused her work with Pikangikum First Nation to volunteer with Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (CMAT) in Ukraine, she didn’t know what to expect. Being stationed along the Ukraine-Poland border in a shipping container that was transformed into a fully operational primary care clinic, Pare...
by: Victoria Alarcon
In Aesop’s fable about the tortoise and the hare perseverance wins. Steady determination can be an effective force. RNAO has that kind of determination and is pleased to see results.
You may know that for a long time, RNAO has encouraged nurses to run for election at all levels of government, ensuring our voices are being hea...
by: Madison Scaini
Hundreds of nurses from across Ontario tuned in to celebrate their profession at RNAO’s 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) – the third, and hopefully final, virtual AGM.
To honour nurses’ unwavering dedication to health care and to look ahead at opportunities to improve the nursing profession and health system, RNAO mark...