November/December 2018

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Cover of November/December 2018 RNJ
Current Issue
Cover Image
Cover of November/December 2018 RNJ
Illustration of nurses in unit with sports play arrows on floor.
In the End
by: Laura Buckley

In any sport, you have your all-stars. these are the big-name players who go out and hit home runs or make three-pointers. All-stars are a huge asset to any team, but they are not the only vital players for success.

by: Kimberley Kearsey
When the calendar flipped from the 1990s to a new millennium, many people held their breath in preparation for the famous roll-over to digits that some believed would wreak havoc in the computer world (also known as Y2K). RNAO’s communications team shared some of those widespread concerns, and prepared accordingly, but also stay...

RNAO’s Region 6 board representative Hilda Swirsky and senior economist Kim Jarvi appeared before a legislative committee Oct. 30 to offer recommendations on Bill 34, also known as the Green Energy Repeal Act.


A recent report by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides some revealing data when it comes to health spending. Ontario spends less on health, on a per capita basis, than other provinces across the country.


Issues such as homelessness and addiction took centre stage at a coroner’s inquest that began at the end of November. The proceedings focused on the circumstances into the death of Brad Chapman, a 43-year-old father of three who died on Aug. 26, 2015 in downtown Toronto.


RNAO’s annual Queen’s Park on the Road (QPOR) initiative wrapped up in December. Forty-seven meetings between RNAO members and MPPs from all parties across the province took place in their local constituency offices.

by: Jonathan Sher
Registered Nurse Journal (RNJ): What is your research telling you about the relationship between nurse practitioners, health outcomes and costs? Peter Buerhaus (PB): The cost for the services provided by nurse practitioners is (10 to 30 per cent) lower than that provided by physicians, even when controlling for fact...

President Angela Cooper Brathwaite and CEO Doris Grinspun visited eight communities this fall to meet with RNs, NPs and nursing students from different chapters and regions. Grinspun visited Ottawa, Petrolia, Chatham and Windsor. Brathwaite met with members in Toronto, Sudbury, Timmins and Durham.

by: Jonathan Sher
Ten months after RN Lhamo Dolkar gave birth to her fourth child and began to battle depression, she went public, fighting tears to share her story, hopeful that she can help others avoid an illness that can sometimes consume the lives of mothers and children. Dolkar spoke of her struggles in October, when RNAO announced the r...

This October, Robin Morash was honoured with an Oncology Nurse of the Year award from the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO). Morash, who retired in June, says that receiving the award from her peers was a lovely way to finish her 35-year career. “It was very humbling.