Madison Scaini

Madison Scaini is communications officer/writer for RNAO. 

by: Madison Scaini
Hundreds of nurses from across Ontario tuned in to celebrate their profession at RNAO’s 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) – the third, and hopefully final, virtual AGM.  To honour nurses’ unwavering dedication to health care and to look ahead at opportunities to improve the nursing profession and health system, RNAO mark...
by: Madison Scaini
Nurses work in every sector of care and at all stages of people’s lives. They understand the many factors that contribute to individual and collective health, and they know what system changes are needed to address the social and environmental determinants that impact health.  But they can’t push for this change alone.&n...
by: Madison Scaini
When 64-year-old RN Elfreda Murray was 12 years old, she was sleeping on the streets in Spanish Town, Jamaica, scared for her life to go home to her abusive stepfather. Yet, even during that dark time, she would tell herself she wasn’t going to let anyone or anything stand in the way of her goal in life: to become a nurse. ...
by: Madison Scaini, Victoria Alarcon
RNAO has welcomed two new interest groups that are helping to create culturally safe environments in health care, the nursing profession and beyond.  The Indigenous Nurses and Allies Interest Group (INAIG) aims to increase Indigenous representation and education in nursing and health-care settings to create more inclusiv...
by: Madison Scaini
When leZlie lee kam went to visit Alf Roberts at his long-term care (LTC) home a couple of days after his 91st birthday, lee kam was devastated to learn Roberts had died the day before and no one from the home shared the news. “There was this wall between anyone who cared for Alf and (the LTC home where he lived),” lee kam re...
by: Madison Scaini, Victoria Alarcon
It was an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to remember. A dynamic video highlighting the achievements of nurses and RNAO throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. A song performed by a First Nation elder in recognition and remembrance of the residential school children whose tragic deaths have come to ...
by: Madison Scaini
Nurses have been called heroes throughout COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean they have superpowers to mitigate the harsh realities of stress and burnout that come with working on the frontlines of a pandemic. The impact of that strain reverberated through the profession earlier this year, when nurses across the province grieved the...
by: Madison Scaini
For the second time in RNAO’s history, Nursing Week (May 10 – 16, 2021) was celebrated virtually amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With the theme of Protecting Ontarians and Leading Change: Nurses and RNAO During COVID-19, the association hosted a variety of fun and informative virtual events to honour the profession and celeb...
by: Alicia Saunders, Madison Scaini
As one of RNAO’s annual signature political action events, this year’s iteration looked a bit different due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Participants joined President Morgan Hoffarth and CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun for a four-hour afternoon event that included remarks from the premier, min...
by: Madison Scaini
It’s no secret that nurses across Ontario are facing tremendous physical and emotional burnout due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And because of their commitment to caring for others, they have less time to devote to their own health and wellbeing.  As RNAO continues its unrelenting call on the federal and provincial governme...