Spring-Summer 2024

John Edwards has always been a storyteller. A natural performer, the RN and secretary of RNAO’s Rainbow Nursing Interest Group (RNIG) initially went to school for musical theatre, receiving his diploma from Sheridan College in 2001.
In my first formal message as your president, I feel an overwhelming sense of pride as I am writing to fellow RNAO members. I am honoured and I am in awe of my responsibility to represent almost 52,000 RNs, NPs and nursing students. I was nervous when I approached the podium back in June for my first official presidential address.
This is my outgoing column, having ended my term as the 57th president of our formidable association in June. The past two years have been GRAND – a period of personal and professional growth, impact and representation – truly the highlight of my nursing career.
On May 28, we marched to Queen’s Park with a large and vocal group of care providers, families and concerned Ontarians to demand funding for supervised consumption services (SCS) sites across Ontario. Many of those involved were driven by first-hand personal and/or professional experiences that prove SCS saves lives.