May/June 2018

Cover Image
Cover of the May June 2018 issue of the Registered Nurse Journal
Current Issue
Cover Image
Cover of the May June 2018 issue of the Registered Nurse Journal
by: Kimberley Kearsey
When The Registered Nurse was re-envisioned in 1989, the member communications cluster – a group specifically created to shape and direct RNAO communication with its members – decided to shift from a members-only publication – focused on RNAO issues – to a publication that addressed a broad range of nursing roles and workplace i...
by: Kimberley Kearsey
When The Registered Nurse was re-envisioned in 1989, the member communications cluster – a group specifically created to shape and direct RNAO communication with its members – decided to shift from a members-only publication – focused on RNAO issues – to a publication that addressed a broad range of nursing roles and workplace i...

To celebrate Nursing Week, and for a glimpse of life on the frontlines, 50 politicians participated in 35 site visits with nurses across Ontario.


Five RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) hosted events for Nursing Week to celebrate the work of champions across the province implementing best practice guidelines (BPG).


Susan Gapka, a trans rights activist and member of RNAO’s Patient and Public Engagement (PPE) council, received one of seven keys to the city from Toronto Mayor John Tory on May 17. She is the first transgender person to receive this honour. Gapka came to Toronto as a teenager and spent 10 years living on the street.

Illustration of barn with medical clinic inside
In the End
by: Crystal Mcleod

From small villages to backwater hamlets, gathering places for the agricultural community have always been my home. So when I graduated with my nursing degree, I saw no better way to start my career than to take care of the people I know best: farmers.

by: Daniel Punch
In January 2018, veteran NP and long-time RNAO member Michelle Acorn became Ontario’s provincial chief nursing officer (PCNO). She arrived at Queen’s Park with three decades of nursing experience in various roles at Lakeridge Health in Whitby and Oshawa, and a commitment to life-long learning that includes a doctor of nursing pr...
by: Daniel Punch
In tears, Sue Faber pleaded with her doctor to give her one more chance. “Please,” she implored during a July 2015 appointment. “Is there anything else you can think of that might be wrong with me?”  For 14 years, Faber, a Burlington RN with expertise in both emergency and community case management, had struggled with...
RN Profile
by: Victoria Alarcon

At toronto’s mount sinai Hospital, RN and lactation consultant Louise Lemieux White reviews the chart for a new mom who has just had her first baby and is struggling with breastfeeding. It says she uses cannabis. 

by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

You may notice the name of my column has changed from CEO Dispatch to Conversations with members. As you read on, you will begin to understand the thinking behind this change, and hopefully you will become as fond of this new title as I am.