March/April 2019

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Cover of the March/April 2019 RNJ
Current Issue
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Cover of the March/April 2019 RNJ

To raise awareness about concussion and its related symptoms, Nipissing University nursing students Jacob Belanger and Selena Sciuk led a one-hour presentation to Grade 12 biology students in February to talk about how to identify a concussion, and what to do if you have one.

RN Profile
by: Jonathan Sher

In her mid-30s and raising three kids on her own in London, Ontario, Farnaz Hamedi-Fijani applied to nursing school on a lark, then reacted quickly in 2006 when offered a spot at Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University.

“I said no,” she recalls. 

by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

On Feb. 26, Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott announced her plan for health system transformation. It includes the creation of Ontario Health (OH) with five regional offices, the formation of local Ontario Health Teams (OHT), and the consolidation of 35 public health units into 10 regional public health entities.

by: Angela Cooper Brathwaite

Queen’s Park Day in February included 160 members, 60 per cent of whom were first-time attendees. They met with 60 MPPs. RNAO members have a powerful collective voice. We are able to achieve great things for nursing, the health-care system and the health of Ontarians when advocating for healthy public policy.

by: Kimberley Kearsey

Last fall, RNAO’s communications and IT staff gave a presentation to assembly members and the board of directors about the planning and initial design for RNJ digital (