Amidst a doctor shortage in Simcoe County, near Lake Erie, NP Janet Calwell is helping patients who do not have a primary care provider. She has been seeing patients at the South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre since Jan.
Spring 2020

An ongoing nursing shortage at the Chelsey site of South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) has led to a reduction in hours for the hospital’s emergency department, which has gone from 24/7 coverage to a 12-hour schedule (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.).
Thunder Bay continues to grapple with a number of deaths due to the opioid crisis, and advocates are calling for action.
Those with loved ones in the hospital can play an important role in keeping them healthy, writes Natalie Bubela, CEO and chief nurse for Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAH).
For the first time ever, Sudbury’s Wahnapitae First Nation has hired a full-time NP.
On March 17, the Ontario government declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19. A week later, it ordered non-essential businesses to close in order to limit the spread of the virus.
RNAO’s Wellington Chapter President Heather Sutcliffe was one of several members to speak with Rogers TV for its coverage of the association’s Fall Tour stop in Guelph Oct. 30.
RNAO’s Fall Tour is always inspiring for me and our CEO Doris Grinspun. We get the opportunity to visit with many of you, where you practise and in the communities you call home across Ontario.