January/February 2018

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January/February 2018
Current Issue
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January/February 2018

Registered Nurse Journal has been a benefit of membership with RNAO for decades, and it’s changed just as much over the years as members have. 

by: Daniel Punch
RNAO has always been driven by the powerful voice of nurses. The expertise of more than 41,000 members working in all sectors of the health system has helped the association build political advocacy platforms and best practice guidelines (BPG) that are making a tremendous difference in the health of Ontarians and people around t...
by: Daniel Punch
NP Tara Leach met 24-year-old Amanda* two years ago when she came into The Ottawa Hospital emergency department complaining of anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Looking to uncover the source of Amanda’s distress, Leach screened her for sexual assault and domestic violence. As a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) and clinical l...
Jessica Fortner illustration
In the End
by: Linda Zucker

I graduated from nursing at Seneca College in December 1984. During our final student assembly, we had a guest speaker from Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital. She was a nurse who worked with patients who experienced pain, mostly oncology patients. She was involved in all aspects of end-of-life care.

by: Alicia Saunders
Death and grief can be intense topics of discussion for anyone, but they can be especially challenging conversations to have with children. Whether it’s a family member or friend, breaking the news about death to a child, or helping a child through the grieving process can be difficult, even for...
by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

Like so many others, I often think about the unfair hand homeless persons have been dealt in life, and my mind wonders why. To seek answers, I make a point of taking homeless persons with me to have a coffee or a meal. They have helped me deepen my understanding of why they have become homeless and how they live.

by: Kimberley Kearsey

For two years, RNAO has been surveying readers of RNJ to get a sense of how people read their professional publication, what they like and dislike about it, and where we can make improvements.

by: Carol Timmings

On or before June 7, we go to the polls to elect a new provincial government. I consider my right to vote an immense privilege and a serious responsibility.

by: Daniel Punch
Jane Rajah could see her sister Anne slipping away.  A long and complex history of health problems had already robbed the 52-year-old of a successful career in the financial industry. Diabetes, weight problems, and struggles with mental health and addiction took their toll, and things only got worse after gastric bypass ...
RN Profile
by: Victoria Alarcon

Growing up, Kayla King didn’t always know she wanted to be a nurse. Undecided between hairdressing, cooking and nursing, she took a chance on the latter when she saw the options for growth and the connection to science – a long-time interest.