On March 23, the Ontario government released its budget.
Winter 2023

Co-chairs of RNAO’s Black Nurses Leading Change (BNLC) Interest Group, Daria Adèle Juüdi-Hope and Dania Versailles, wrote in a recent Hospital News op-ed published to c
The Ontario government introduced draft legislation on Feb.
Niagara Health is participating in a College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) program that gives IENs the chance to work via supervised partnerships.
A proposed clinic in Peterborough is currently waiting for provincial approval.
A proposed primary care clinic in Orillia that RNAO has been advocating for continues to wait for the province to approve the funding needed to open its doors.
Congratulations to Southlake Regional Health Centre. Their designation as a BPSO has once again been renewed by RNAO. The organization began pursuing the designation in 2015 and was first designated in 2018. The organization was re-designated in 2020 and late 2022.