Best Practice Guidelines

by: Kimberley Kearsey
BPSO expansion: On the international stageThe important work of BPG implementation and evaluation continues around the world, and there was special attention this spring on Ibero-America (Latin America, Spain and Portugal). The newest group of BPSO graduates to receive their designation at RNAO’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in ...

RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) Program is again expanding its reach beyond Canadian borders.


Following the intense and exhaustive work of an expert panel, researchers, policy makers, people with lived experience, and the guideline development team at RNAO, the association’s newest BPG was previewed during a webinar in March, six weeks before its official release during Nursing Week 2024 in May.

by: Alicia Saunders, Kimberley Kearsey
After two decades, RNAO’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) movement has welcomed more than 150,000 champions in Ontario and around the world who volunteer to raise awareness of the benefits of implementing best practice guidelines (BPG) in their organizations. Lucia Taggart (below) is one of those champions who, lik...
by: Kimberley Kearsey
For Ann Roberts, a nurse of 35 years, being a best practice guideline (BPG) champion is about doing something that is “meaningful.” BPGs are incredibly meaningful because they’re having an impact, the Montfort Hospital palliative care RN says. A self-described “product” of Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) cultu...
by: Victoria Alarcon
As an Indigenous social worker and the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) lead for Chigamik Community Health Centre, Cassandra Forget has worked closely with her nursing colleagues since 2019 to implement RNAO’s Assessment and Interventions for Perinatal Depression best practice guideline (BPG). She is grateful f...
by: Madison Scaini
Imagine you’ve applied to work at a long-term care (LTC) home and have been invited for an in-person interview. You enter the home – excited and nervous. As you enter the building, you see a big sign: Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO). Do you smile knowing what this means and feel confident? Or do you become more nervo...
by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

Many years ago, I learned that when people are successful in the Chinese culture, they often contribute back through services that benefit the whole community.

by: Kimberley Kearsey
Work your way through these photos and hints (click the arrow on the right to advance forward) to reveal the identities of four nursing leaders who have propelled the profession to new heights, and played a role in the evolution of RNAO's BPG and BPSO programs.
by: Victoria Alarcon
As chief nursing executive and people strategy chief at Toronto’s Humber River Hospital, Dr. Vanessa Burkoski led the organization to become a Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) in 2021. She managed the review process and was a steadfast supporter of nurses during the implementation of two best practice guidelines (BP...