Victoria Alarcon

Victoria Alarcon

Victoria Alarcon is communications officer/writer for RNAO. 

by: Victoria Alarcon
As a member of the executive for RNAO’s Indigenous Nurses and Allies Interest Group (INAIG) in 2021, RN Chantal Byrnes Leadbeater, who identifies as an ally, wanted to do more for Indigenous Peoples and their rights in Canada. Growing up, she didn’t learn a lot about Indigenous history. Residential schools and the Indian Act wer...
by: Victoria Alarcon
RNAO and members celebrated Nursing Week 2024 with a number of special events. The week began with RNAO’s official launch of the highly anticipated BPG, Clinical Practice in a Digital Health Environment. The guideline is dedicated to Dr. Vanessa Burkoski, a past president of RNAO, former Provincial Chief Nurse, and former c...
by: Victoria Alarcon
For Lori Zozzolotto, racism has been an obstacle throughout her nursing career. While in school to earn her RPN designation in 2007, she had the opportunity to apply for a clinical placement in an emergency department. Competition for the position was tough, and when she went to her instructor for advice, she was discouraged. “(...
RN Profile
by: Victoria Alarcon

RN Simon Donato-Woodger understands how advocacy helps to improve patients’ lives. 

by: Victoria Alarcon
As an Indigenous social worker and the Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) lead for Chigamik Community Health Centre, Cassandra Forget has worked closely with her nursing colleagues since 2019 to implement RNAO’s Assessment and Interventions for Perinatal Depression best practice guideline (BPG). She is grateful f...
by: Victoria Alarcon
As chief nursing executive and people strategy chief at Toronto’s Humber River Hospital, Dr. Vanessa Burkoski led the organization to become a Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) in 2021. She managed the review process and was a steadfast supporter of nurses during the implementation of two best practice guidelines (BP...
by: Victoria Alarcon
At the annual Best Practice Spotlight Organization® (BPSO®) Symposium in Toronto this fall, RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun, founder of the internationally renowned program, addressed a room of more than 200 in-person attendees and hundreds more online. It all “started with a proposal from a young nurse with dreams in her head,” she...
by: Victoria Alarcon
Nurses felt the love during Nursing Week 2023, thanks in part to the #HeyNurse social media campaign launched by RNAO in partnership with several other nursing organizations. The campaign generated 1,000 instances of engagement on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram, and more than 519 Canadians thanked a nurse by using ...
RN Profile
by: Victoria Alarcon

Rosanra (Rosie) Yoon’s earliest childhood memories harken back to her days accompanying her mother on the streetcar for monthly visits to Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital. From the age of four to eight, she was scared and nervous on these outings, but as soon as she saw her mother’s nurse, she felt safe. 

by: Victoria Alarcon
With more than 500 fellows, RNAO’s Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship (ACPF) program has reached new heights over the last two decades. Refreshed in 2022, the program now provides opportunities for RNs and NPs to develop their knowledge, skills and expertise in four different fellowship streams, each with an overarching goal ...