March/April 2019
Too scared to sleep and jolted to her feet by each unfamiliar sound near the wall of the Hope Grows Haiti mission, RN Marie Nieminen prayed that...
Farnaz Hamedi-Fijani
RN Profile
In her mid-30s and raising three kids on her own in London, Ontario, Farnaz Hamedi-Fijani applied to nursing school on a lark, then reacted quickly in 2006 when offered a spot at Arthur Labatt Family…
When NP Clara Nisan became director of clinical services at Mackenzie Health long-term care (LTC) home in Richmond Hill in 2015, she made use of an interprofessional team and...
While power changed hands at Queen’s Park in June of 2018, and a new Conservative government took the reins after 15 years of Liberal...
As people continue their insatiable appetite for information and resources at their fingertips, those of us in publishing have been in the throes of a shift from traditional paper...
Wilting plant with glass of water next to it. in the glass is a spoon.
In the End
“Are you the nurse?” I heard a frail woman ask. I had just entered her room on the internal medicine ward. It was dark. “Yes, I am,” I replied, and gave her my first name. She told me her name was…