Summer/Fall 2022
When 25-year-old RN Michaela Parenteau paused her work with Pikangikum First Nation to volunteer with Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (CMAT) in Ukraine, she didn’t know what to...
Imagine being able to quickly complete a comprehensive assessment of a new long-term care resident with user-friendly technology that supports evidence-based practice. And imagine...
Queen’s Park on the Road: Time to get involved RNAO members have been meeting with their local elected representatives as part of Queen’s Park on the Road (QPOR). Considered...
In the End
To me nursing is an adventure. Shortly after I started my career in obstetrics in Montréal, my husband joined the Canadian Armed Forces. I followed him throughout Canada to Ontario, Québec and the…
Jocelyn Hezekiah
RN Profile
Persistence, growth and connections assist Jocelyn Hezekiah in her 43-year nursing career.  When Jocelyn Hezekiah looks back at her long career, she doesn’t harbour any regrets. “I went into…
You may wonder how you would have time for membership given your many work responsibilities. The real question should be: How can you afford not to make time? What are the pros of...
Hundreds of nurses from across Ontario tuned in to celebrate their profession at RNAO’s 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) – the third, and hopefully final, virtual...
In Aesop’s fable about the tortoise and the hare perseverance wins. Steady determination can be an effective force. RNAO has that kind of determination and is pleased to see...
Fifteen newly designated Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) now include Chile’s MINSAL (National Ministry of Health in Chile) program. MINSAL’s public hospitals have...