Fall 2019
The opioid crisis continues in full force, with recent data showing young people to be most at risk of opioid deaths. But places where youth live,...
Illustration of nurse doing CPR for the first time
In the End
The speed with which I am compressing during CPR switches to the rhythm of the pop song playing on the clock radio by Tony’s* bed. I recognize the lyrics as those of Jimmy Eat World, singing their…
Photo of Meredith Muscat
RN Profile
As the daughter of a physician and RN, Meredith Muscat was always inspired by her parents and the care they provided to others. She recalls some people in her small town approaching her dad to thank…
Another visit home has come to an end, and I say goodbye to my family. I look out the airplane window and see Mexico City’s lights slowly...
RNAO members were actively involved in many different activities in the run-up to October’s federal election. Whether co-hosting community debates or panel discussions,...
Two world-recognized nursing events – Sigma International Nursing Research Congress (INRC) in Calgary and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress in Singapore – exposed...
For many nursing students, academic and clinical instructors play a huge role in their journey to becoming an RN and RNAO member. Academic instructors guide students in the...
Editor's Note