Clinical Practice
RN Jorge Santos has the unique experience of getting to work alongside one of his former patients at Toronto’s Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Santos’ colleague is Emily Chan, a social worker who, until the age of six, underwent physical rehab at the hospital.
RNAO has changed the name of the Newly Graduated Nurse membership fee category to New RN in Ontario. The change now includes internationally educated nurse (IEN) associates.
NP Beth Hayhoe has been volunteering with Toronto’s Yonge Street Mission for nearly 30 years. The organization recently spent $3 million to expand its health and dental centre for youth in the city’s downtown neighbourhood.
Mackenzie Health in Richmond Hill offers simulation training for its staff through Sim2You, a mobile simulation unit that allows teams to learn in non-traditional ways.
In a letter to the editor published before the release of the provincial budget on March 26, RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun takes aim at clinics that charge for health care and advises on how NPs and NP-led clinics must be fully covered by the province to ensure timely access to quality care by NPs.
On November 6, Health Minister Sylvia Jones announced that RNs will soon be able to independently prescribe certain medications, including medications for smoking cessation, anesthetics used topically