Clinical Practice

by: Madison Scaini
Nurses have been called heroes throughout COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean they have superpowers to mitigate the harsh realities of stress and burnout that come with working on the frontlines of a pandemic. The impact of that strain reverberated through the profession earlier this year, when nurses across the province grieved the...

Staff are beginning to feel exhaustion as they continue to fight COVID-19 at Windsor Regional Hospital. Many COVID-19 patients in the ICU are on ventilators. The medical director of the ICU says that despite their best efforts, 40 per cent of these patients who need a ventilator in Windsor-Essex die.

by: Madison Scaini
It’s no secret that nurses across Ontario are facing tremendous physical and emotional burnout due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And because of their commitment to caring for others, they have less time to devote to their own health and wellbeing.  As RNAO continues its unrelenting call on the federal and provincial governme...
by: Kimberley Kearsey
David* is an NP at a walk-in clinic in his area. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, he met Jane, a young mother of two who called the clinic to talk with him about a concerning discharge and palpable lumps in her breasts. A few months prior, she had seen her primary care provider (PCP) with the same concerns and was ordered a mammo...
by: Ashley McLellan
Publisher’s note: RNAO’s Best Practice Champions Network enlists thousands of nurses and other health professionals across the province to share their passion for evidence-based practice and RNAO best practice guidelines (BPG). These “champions” participate in virtual workshops and e-learning to acquire t...
by: Morgan Hoffarth

A new membership year has begun at RNAO and I thought it would be fitting to share a little bit about my membership journey.

Illustration by Laurel Leslie
In the End
by: Eram Chhogala

Draw up 100 mg of Propofol and 50 mg of Rocuronium. That’s a size 7.5 ETT, secured at 22 cm at the lips with a PEEP of 10 on 100 per cent. We have arterial, peripheral and central lines, all in situ, with vasopressin, epinephrine and levophed all infusing.

by: Kimberley Kearsey
Tracie Risling and Richard Booth, PhD-prepared associate professors of nursing in Saskatchewan and London, Ontario, respectively, have both done substantive research on different types of health technologies powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The two RN experts have spent the last year co...
by: Kimberley Kearsey
Over the last six years, 52 nursing homes have joined and are actively participating in RNAO’s Long-Term Care Best Practice Spotlight Organization (LTC-BPSO) designation program.* The road to LTC-BPSO designation is a rigourous one. It requires a three-year pre-designation period during which each organization has to meet agreed...
by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

Seventeen years ago, Ontario nurses were rattled by the arrival of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and the blatant dismissal of our expertise and insight during a scary time for Ontarians.