Clinical Practice

by: Angela Cooper Brathwaite

RNAO’s Fall Tour is always inspiring for me and our CEO Doris Grinspun. We get the opportunity to visit with many of you, where you practise and in the communities you call home across Ontario.

by: Dr. Doris Grinspun

In my last column, I shared news about how RNAO continues to influence health system transformation by supporting Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSO) applying to join Ontario Health Teams (OHT).

by: Victoria Alarcon
For many nursing students, academic and clinical instructors play a huge role in their journey to becoming an RN and RNAO member. Academic instructors guide students in the classroom, teaching them to be curious and passionate. Elizabeth Edwards helped Mahoganie Hines cultivate her passion for advocacy as she pursued her goal to...
by: Wendy Glauser
The opioid crisis continues in full force, with recent data showing young people to be most at risk of opioid deaths. But places where youth live, study and party – college and university campuses – have been slow to respond, due to stigma and liability concerns. Now, nurses and other harm reduction a...
by: Maricel Perez Vigueras
Another visit home has come to an end, and I say goodbye to my family. I look out the airplane window and see Mexico City’s lights slowly getting smaller as we ascend, eventually fading to complete darkness. As I wipe my tears, a thought comes to mind: Will it ever get easier? My mind races as ...
Illustration of nurse doing CPR for the first time
In the End
by: Jennifer Murphy-Novak

The speed with which I am compressing during CPR switches to the rhythm of the pop song playing on the clock radio by Tony’s* bed.

by: Jonathan Sher
As a child, Connie Cameron was inspired by the nurses who cared for her, and says they are the reason she's an RN at SickKids today. tl There was only one way eight-year-old ...
by: Jonathan Sher
Registered Nurse Journal (RNJ): What is your research telling you about the relationship between nurse practitioners, health outcomes and costs? Peter Buerhaus (PB): The cost for the services provided by nurse practitioners is (10 to 30 per cent) lower than that provided by physicians, even when controlling for fact...
by: Daniel Punch
Jane Rajah could see her sister Anne slipping away.  A long and complex history of health problems had already robbed the 52-year-old of a successful career in the financial industry. Diabetes, weight problems, and struggles with mental health and addiction took their toll, and things only got worse after gastric bypass ...
by: Angela Cooper Brathwaite

In the last issue of the journal,  I hinted that I like to describe myself as a servant leader.