Kimberley Kearsey

Kimberley Kearsey is managing editor for RNJ

Kimberley Kearsey is managing editor for RNJ.

by: Jonathan Sher, Kimberley Kearsey
RNAO members began their 94th Annual General Meeting (AGM) by listening to the soaring voices and rhythmic drumming of contemporary Indigenous performers at the opening ceremonies on the evening of April 11. “We as a collective of committed members have advanced Ontario’s health system by speaking out for nursing and speaking...
by: Kimberley Kearsey

This issue of the journal marks a significant milestone in the history of RNAO. It is the last print edition of a member resource that dates back more than 90 years. 

by: Kimberley Kearsey
As people continue their insatiable appetite for information and resources at their fingertips, those of us in publishing have been in the throes of a shift from traditional paper products to digital offerings. Monthly journals, magazines and newspapers that once occupied office shelves and filing cabinets of the average reader ...
by: Kimberley Kearsey

Last fall, RNAO’s communications and IT staff gave a presentation to assembly members and the board of directors about the planning and initial design for RNJ digital (

by: Kimberley Kearsey
When The Registered Nurse was re-envisioned in 1989, the member communications cluster – a group specifically created to shape and direct RNAO communication with its members – decided to shift from a members-only publication – focused on RNAO issues – to a publication that addressed a broad range of nursing roles and workplace i...
by: Kimberley Kearsey
When The Registered Nurse was re-envisioned in 1989, the member communications cluster – a group specifically created to shape and direct RNAO communication with its members – decided to shift from a members-only publication – focused on RNAO issues – to a publication that addressed a broad range of nursing roles and workplace i...
by: Kimberley Kearsey
Public health units, primary care clinics, home health organizations, hospitals and long-term care homes that have already achieved or are working towards Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) designation have been successfully implementing RNAO’s best practice guidelines (BPG) for years, many for well over a decade. Last ...
by: Kimberley Kearsey

When we last brought you news  about nurses providing supervision at drug consumption sites (Sept/Oct 2016), several of those sites were unsanctioned and the fight for buy-in for these services – from the public and government – was very real. Although more than two years have passed, the fight is still very real.

by: Kimberley Kearsey
When the calendar flipped from the 1990s to a new millennium, many people held their breath in preparation for the famous roll-over to digits that some believed would wreak havoc in the computer world (also known as Y2K). RNAO’s communications team shared some of those widespread concerns, and prepared accordingly, but also stay...
by: Kimberley Kearsey

This issue of the journal is the first of three that will invite you to contribute insight (beginning in February) that will influence the evolution of RNAO’s flagship publication.